Rupal Trivedi, Ph.D., RDN

Associate Research Scientist

Rupal Trivedi, Ph.D., RDN

Rupal Trivedi is an experienced clinician and researcher in the nutrition field. She earned her MS in Nutrition and Dietetics from Ball State University and her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Health Services, Outcomes and Policy from the University of Georgia. After becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist, her clinical work at Parkview Health and Emory Healthcare included educating and counseling chronic disease patients on self-management strategies as a part of providing medical nutrition therapy. Her dedication to improving patient health outcomes enabled her to complete her doctoral dissertation. The dissertation was focused on employing implementation science approaches to improve disease management strategies among cardiovascular disease patients in the Southern US region.

Her research endeavors involved developing protocols for, conducting and analyzing results for qualitative studies, non-randomized intervention studies, and systematic review and meta-analysis studies. In doing so, she has led multiple teams of researchers to successfully complete each study. Her research findings have been published in respectable journals and presented at prestigious conferences. Rupal remains passionate about advancing nutrition research that can impact policies and evidence-based guidelines to promote public health and patient care. She is highly motivated to contribute to the goals of Texas A&M Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Evidence Center by leaning on her experiences in conducting robust systematic review and meta-analysis studies on various topics, and her overall interest in this methodology.
